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  • Shohorat Puranata

Why study business?



In a nutshell, our lives and the world of business are inextricably linked. The business industry permeates everything we do. Additionally, business is all around us, starting with our government, our economy, and our daily activities. Business is everywhere, whether it be for buying groceries or buying land. It may seem simple to conduct business and learn about it, however, studying the vast subject of business will benefit you greatly.

Studying business has many advantages, including how it develops our capacity for critical thinking, sharpens our negotiation abilities, and encourages the entrepreneurial spirit within us. Furthermore, learning about business gives us a thorough understanding of the real business world, how it operates, and its influence and impact on our daily life.

There are numerous sub-branches of the topic of business, such as management, finance, marketing, and business administration. Gaining this knowledge through a degree may pay off in job prospects. Unfortunately, the course structures for these subjects are out-of-date on a global scale, which has led to the perception that these degrees are worthless.

We are all aware of how seamlessly technology has become a part of our daily lives. Nowadays, the only way to keep business degrees current is to incorporate technology to replace outdated business theories, methods, ethics, and strategies with more modern ones.

It takes passion, zeal, creativity, and risk-taking to study business. People who want to work in the business industry should thoroughly research the fields they are interested in and the potential career paths. With that said, it is clear that studying business in the twenty-first century is a thrilling and challenging process.

I, therefore, want to wish everyone who chooses this path the best of luck because it will be necessary to overcome many obstacles along the way; one of which is remaining consistent and patient no matter what.

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