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Defeating Burnout

Alimah Fagbenro

June 10, 2024

Burnout is the feeling of constant feeling where you feel useless and exhausted. There are multiple ways to counter these feelings and find solutions to overcome them.

They could come in cautious forms, whether they are emotional, physical, or mental, that come from incessant stress. These feelings tend to go into your work and social life. It’s best to deal with burnout as soon as it happens so you don’t have long-lasting consequences. It takes a while for someone to realize they have it because it’s a gradual development. The physical signs would be a change in habits and feeling tired; the emotional signs could be detachment from the world or a sense of failure; and the behavior would be withdrawing from responsibilities.

There are 5 stages of burnout, one of which is the honeymoon phase, where you just made a huge commitment like having a baby or a new job. Then it’s stress onset, where you start prioritizing the new responsibilities over yourself. Chronic stress continually makes you feel tired, and you no longer interact with colleagues or family members. Burnout is the start of pessimistic views on your life and completely ignoring your health. Lastly, habitual burnout is when you’re always sad and physically tired and, at this point, start the process of depression. Pushing through your exhaustion is what put you through this stage; it’s time for you to focus on what’s bothering you and change it. 

You can change it by finding support from others, whether they're friends or family. You don’t have to express what you’ve been feeling; just spending time with them is enough to make you feel better with positive thoughts. Re-evaluate how you feel at work and make sure it’s practical. Does it pay your bills? Do you have enough time for yourself? These are questions you should ask yourself to verify a good work-life balance. Prioritize yourself before anything else, and start saying no when someone interferes with your time. Burnouts are very difficult to manage, but with a few tweaks in your life, you won’t feel overworked or overwhelmed.

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