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  • Kyleigh Ing

The Marvelous World of Marketing

Kyleigh Ing

You may notice when listening to music or the radio there may be short ad breaks. While scrolling through social media there are promotional postings intertwined with the recommended content. These are all ways companies market their products and services to attract customers. Marketing is the advertising, selling and distribution of products and services. Oftentimes companies will target a specific demographic, one that will generate the most revenue. Marketing is not only a one time promotion but also means maintaining customer relations so that they will be loyal customers.

There are many different types of marketing divided into two categories: traditional and digital marketing. Some traditional marketing techniques include:

  • Outbound marketing: Delivering a message to a target audience, often by physical advertisements (billboards so it will be seen by cars driving by).

  • Personalized marketing: adjusting advertisements to be specific to an individual using historical data (names on newsletters, coupons for regularly bought or similar items).

  • Direct mail: sending advertisements to consumers (flyers, coupons etc.). Targeting a specific area.

  • Telemarketing: phone calls to convince buyers (technique has become less effective).

  • Event marketing: hosting an event to demonstrate or show products/services to potential customers (conferences, trade shows, seminars, private events).

  • Public relations marketing: collaborating with news sources to expose business. The purpose is to gain exposure to business, usually not advertising products directly. (used when big business launching new product, new expansion or significant change in executives)

Digital marketing techniques have become much more popular over recent years because of the expansion of the ecommerce world. Some of these techniques include:

  • Search engine marketing: advertising through search engines (Google) or creating content to align with algorithm of target audience to rank highly on search engines

  • Content marketing: digital content (ebooks, podcasts, social media posts) building face of brand (objective to obtain customer information (email) for other marketing purposes).

  • Affiliate marketing: using other commonly frequented websites to bring clients over (promotions through influencers are also becoming common).

Marketing takes many shapes and forms but it is an essential part to creating a successful business. Utilizing popular social media platforms are especially effective in branching a company and can help to grow the clientele exponentially.

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