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  • Kimberly Wing

Technology & Jobs in the Accounting Sector

By: Kimberly Wing

Accounting is the process of recording business-related financial transactions, which includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting transactions to agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities. Regardless of the size of a business, accounting plays a vital role in business operations. Both accounting and working with technology are essential skills in today’s job market and business world. Here are a few tech-related jobs in accounting:

  • Accounting Technician: Accounting technicians support accountants and other finance professionals with various responsibilities, such as recording revenues and investments, processing customer bills and payments, and verifying and maintaining accounting records. They can also be self-employed or freelancers, and help clients with various accounting tasks.

  • General Ledger: Also known as a corporate accounting team, members of a general ledger are responsible for recording ongoing transactions within a company and organizing it into assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and owner's equity. This data is eventually organized into financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, statements of cash flows, and other financial reports.

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Consultant: An ERP consultant or specialist manages and implements ERP for both major and small businesses. To do this, ERP consultants plan resources by checking the efficiency of a company's software.

  • Internal Auditor: internal auditing primarily evaluates a company's internal controls, such as corporate governance and accounting processes. Audits ensure that businesses comply with laws and regulations to maintain accurate and timely financial reporting and data collection.

  • Sales Solutions Engineer: With extensive technical knowledge, solutions engineers sell software and present products to clients and answer related technical questions. They are also responsible for maintaining professional relationships with clients.

  • Technical Accounting: Technical accounts monitor regulatory changes and financial reporting requirements. They apply their advanced accounting experience and technical knowledge, and provide advice on potential problems and how to avoid them.

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