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Introducing BusinessWithHer

Hi everyone! My name is Lalita, I am a rising senior who is passionate about business administration and management. I want to start by thanking you for being on this page and being with BusinessWithHer as it begins.

So, what is BusinessWithHer, and why did I choose to start this organization?

I recently found a passion for business and management, and as this passion grows, so does my understanding of the business world. Traditionally, men are the face of the business world, but in more recent years, women are breaking tradition and gaining representation. Women who have overcome many challenges and entered the business world are such an inspiration and BusinessWithHer aims to inspire young women to follow this path and pursue business.

BusinessWithHer is going to educate and inspire women to pursue business in a variety of ways. First is this blog, this is an introductory blog, but following this one is going to be blogs of many topics to help one be successful in business. For example, there will be educational blogs related to economics, skills, financial literacy, etc. There will also be blogs written about women who share their story. Some people may prefer listening to something instead of reading, so next, we have a podcast. The first episode is an introductory episode, like this blog. Following the first episode, we will interview women and speak to them about their business. Lastly, once our outreach grows, the plan is to host live webinars with women in business where you all can ask your own questions and learn about different topics.

Why should people read the blog or support BusinessWithHer? BusinessWithHer is an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills that schools rarely offer. We will talk about a variety of things like financial literacy, economics, etc. These skills are useful in all aspects of business. We also provide a better understanding of business through our various guest speakers and blog.

Hopefully, this blog allowed you to learn about BusinessWithHer and its mission. We hope this organization serves as an inspiration and reason for your entry into the business world.

Until next time,


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