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How to stay organized as school starts again..

Many people find it difficult to like and enjoy school because of the rigorous academics and peer pressure. The primary reason that school is difficult is because of the courses and their coursework. Some people say that they find it hard to stay organized with the numerous assignments from different classes and extracurriculars. Because of the lack of organization, papers get misplaced, events get forgotten, and we spend time looking for things. School can be much easier if you have a proper organization system in place. There are many ways to stay organized and keep everything in a place you won’t forget.

One way to stay organized and on top of things is to write a daily to-do list. Writing a to-do list the night before ensures that you know what you want to accomplish the next day, and since you would revise your tasks, you would be less likely to forget them. Writing a to-do list also motivates you to get things done because there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a complete to-do list! A to-do list can include only schoolwork, or schoolwork, extracurriculars and other tasks. You can write a to-do list by hand in a notebook or on the phone. There are many apps out there that work as to-do lists. Each has its own benefits. Writing your tasks by hand makes you more likely to remember them because writing helps you retain things. If you are someone who travels a lot, using an app may be better for you because let's be honest, nobody goes anywhere without their phone.

Using an app would ensure that you have your to-do list wherever you go. Some apps also enable you to receive reminders throughout the day to get your work done. Writing to-do lists makes it less likely for you to forget things, and you are more likely to get things done on time.

Another way to keep your schoolwork organized is having a board or spreadsheet with your classes for the semester. A physical board is preferred for this. Personally, I do most of my schoolwork at my desk, so I have a whiteboard next to my desk. I have 7 classes, and extracurriculars, so I split my whiteboard into 8 sections. I split my whiteboard into equal sections. You need to label each section a class, and extracurriculars if you have them. Whenever you get an assignment for a class, write that assignment on the whiteboard under that class’s section. Include the due date next to the assignment too! This is a reminder of your assignments and due dates for all your classes, so you have an easier time remembering them.

Staying organized in terms of quizzes, presentations, tests, finals, is also important. This is important, so you stay on track regarding study schedules. Having a calendar is useful for this. This can be done online or physically. I also keep a physical calendar next to my desk. I have a calendar that follows the school year (September - June), so I won’t have to change the calendar when the new year arrives. Teachers usually tell you at least a week in advance when you have a test or presentation. As soon as you get home, write that you have a test or presentation under the

corresponding day on that calendar. That calendar will be specifically for big things, not things like homework. This is a reminder that you have a test or exam coming up and it will not surprise you on the day. This also allows you to plan out your study schedule. Organization plays a massive role in your success in school. Staying organized allows you to get ahead on things and make sure your assignments are turned in on time. There are numerous ways to stay organized, and what works for someone else may not work for you. Everyone prefers different ways, so finding the one that works for you could really change the way things are going for you. Staying organized helps make school easier. As we get older, our lives will get busier, and organization will play a key role in how well we can take on these hurdles.

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