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  • Writer's pictureLalita Paluri

How to Reset your Life

By: Lalita Paluri

Anne Lamott once said “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”

The truth is that you are in control of your life and you alone are responsible for it. If you do not like the direction you are heading, you have the power to create and walk a new path. If you need to hit reset on your life once, you have the power. But how do we go about hitting the reset button?

The following steps are not easy, they are incredibly difficult, but it is possible.

  1. Evaluate your Spending

For many people, getting out of debt or starting to save more is the first part of a life reset. They tend to turn minimalistic to be as financially stable as possible. However, if minimalism is foreign to you, it is possible that lifestyle creep has entered your life. This is when one’s standard of living increases as their income increases. Saving more money can be a turning point in one’s life.

2. Evaluate your stressors and time commitments

Many of us are full-time students or have a job. School and work are both incredibly stressful and require a lot of commitment. We also have extracurricular commitments like relationships to maintain, or clubs to participate in. Some people thrive in this intense lifestyle, but others do not. Some people’s mental health starts declining with a lot of stress. So evaluating your main sources of stress and major time commitments is a good way to identify what you can drop (or pickup) that lets you improve your health.

3. Evaluate your motivation

In the beginning of something new, we are all motivated to work and be as productive as possible. As time goes on though, we start to get tired and burnt out. This occurs because we don’t give ourselves a break and continue to hustle. After some time, we lose interest in things we love and start to lose ourselves in the process. If you want to be productive, but can’t find the motivation or energy to do it, you are burnt out. You need to take a self-care break to get back on track. Constantly checking how well you are motivated and able to do what you plan is a good way to make sure you don’t get burnt out.

4. Evaluate your habits

This is a big one. As our lives get busier, we develop habits unintentionally and don’t even think twice about it. They could be the downfall of your health. It could be as small as biting nails or as big as sitting for 14 hours a day in front of the computer. Both of these are horrible for one’s health, but they are habits one develops. Being conscious about your habits can help you change them. As they say, it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.

5. Reset your environment

What you surround yourself with plays a massive role in the quality of your life. You can refresh your environment and your mood by adding plants to add a natural touch to your home. Nature is known for brightening up people’s days, and can aid in one’s well being. Decluttering helps clear the physical mess along with the mental chaos in our mind. Sometimes having an organized home/room allows you to see things with a fresh mind.

Hitting reset on life means different things for everyone. It could mean moving to another state or just cleaning up our current life. These are just ideas on how to go about resetting your life, but a reset could mean something else for you. Finding out what works best for you is going to be the most helpful for you.

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