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How to prepare for a business degree while in high school

Elle Woods, a fashion major, woke up one day and decided she would go to law school and got accepted. But life isn’t a movie. You rarely have the privilege of changing your life path after you’re so far in your education. You usually need to know what you visualize for your future. That way, you can prepare for your career path early on in your life. The earlier you prepare for a business degree, the more successful you’ll be in the business field. There are several ways to prepare for a business degree, ranging from classes in school to extracurriculars. So, let’s do a deep dive in some of the ways you can prepare for a business degree.

The best way to prepare for a business degree is to take business-related classes at school. The larger your high school, the more variety of classes you have. Business is a field where numbers and words are constantly used, so the harder your English and math classes are, the better. High schools usually offer regular level English classes, and advanced level English classes (either honors or AP). If you like English or believe you can do well in the advanced class, then I say go for it. Those harder English classes teach you a lot more than a regular class would. AP English Language and Composition has changed my life completely. It was a difficult class, but I learned a lot, I use the content and I loved every second of it. Regular and advanced level math classes are also offered, so try to take the harder classes. At least 1 AP math class really enhances your college application. Classes that some high schools may offer that you should take are entrepreneurship, computer science, personal finance, economics, marketing, business law, and business management. Having a variety of business classes shows colleges that you have selected your major after exploring a variety of options, this allows your application to stand out more.

Academics aren’t the only thing colleges look for in an application. These days, your extracurriculars may be considered equally to your academics. Taking business classes in school isn’t enough to get accepted into a good college. Participating in business extra curriculars highlights your love for business even more. Some extracurriculars offered at high schools are DECA, FBLA, Business professionals of America, National Business Honor Society, National Beta club, Entrepreneurship club, Personal finance club and more. These organizations not only enhance your college applications, but they offer valuable opportunities. You get to participate in activities focused on leadership, marketing, entrepreneurship, management, economics and more. DECA allows you to compete in a roleplay event where you are given a scenario and a certain amount of time to create a solution. This helps you develop skills to think on the spot, which is priceless to have in the business field. You are given access to workshops, events, and seminars through these clubs. The professionals have a lot to teach from experience which is valuable, and you get to expand your network with them. These opportunities are too valuable to miss, so joining those extracurriculars helps you in several ways.

Colleges look for experience when deciding to admit a student or not. You have a higher chance of getting accepted into a business program if you have business experience. Some ways to get this experience is to take up leadership roles in an organization or a company. These leadership roles can teach you how companies run and communication skills. Leadership roles allow you to gain soft skills, communication skills, and business skills. If you prefer entrepreneurship, you can start your own organization, nonprofit, or a business. Starting something of your own shows colleges that you are willing to go the extra mile to build something from the ground up and grow it. You can apply to internships at businesses to get experience too. Big companies like Microsoft and google usually have high school internships where high schoolers are connected with professionals and learn from them.

Business degrees are difficult to prepare for, but they’re worth it in the end. With a business degree, you can do a variety of jobs and switch careers if you aren’t satisfied. Business is taking over the economy day by day, and a business degree definitely will help your life be set. Like always though, everyone has different interests so some things may not be for you. Finding where your interests lie will really help you stay motivated and pursue your degree.

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