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  • Kyleigh Ing

Enhancing Productivity; Simply.

Kyleigh Ing | 16 October 2022

There is a constant search for the secret to unlocking one’s full productivity potential. Motivational quotes, creating schedules and goal setting can become tedious to do on the daily and often are not long-term solutions for youth. Productivity relies on a variety of factors, including mood, determination, the task itself, and more. However, there are simple solutions that you may already do that can increase efficiency on the task at hand. Increasing productivity is as simple as listening to the right music, taking periodic breaks and getting a good night’s sleep.

Many adolescents have found comfort in listening to music, whether it be country, pop, rock or other genres. Music has now become a form of therapy and has proved itself to reduce stress and anxiety. The classical genre has been proven to be most effective in most circumstances. It heightens spatial sense and enhances communications skills for a temporary period of time. While studies have provided these results, it ultimately depends on the individual to determine how effective music is. Extroverts show a better response to music, while the opposite is true for introverts.

It is highly recommended that, for maximum effectiveness; the music chosen should correlate with the person’s current emotional state or reflect the feelings one wishes to feel. It is also most effective when performing tasks one is already proficient in. However, if a skill is being learned for the first time, music may become a distraction.

Another method to enhance productivity is by taking breaks throughout the day. While this may seem controversial, without breaks throughout the day, this can lead to being overworked. This results in chronic stress and burnout. A lack of enthusiasm can deprive someone of their sanity and motivation, making them less inclined to take initiative or extra responsibilities at their work. Breaks can also provide time to brainstorm creative insights into a problem or scenario which can be beneficial for a company. Breaks act as a temporary reset to clear the mind and make smarter decisions, both related and unrelated to the job.

While breaks are a temporary reset, sleep can serve as a more substantial reset. Everyone loves sleep but may feel guilty for taking too long of a rest when they have many tasks ahead of them. Sleep can boost memory and efficiency, both detrimental qualities to being productive. A lack of sleep can also result in a decrease of alertness and decision making. After a good night's sleep, it can create positive attitudes that will contribute to productivity. Studies have shown that those who begin the day with a positive or negative attitude are likely to maintain that optimism or pessimism throughout the day, respectively. A deep rest will contribute to an optimistic attitude, which in turn can increase productivity.

There are numerous methods of enhancing productivity, but it is up to the individual to determine which is most effective. These are some ways that are simple and may not stray too far from one’s daily habits but can change one’s entire lifestyle.

Works Cited

Chamorro, Tomas. “Can Music Make You More Productive?” Harvard Business Review, 13 September 2022, Accessed 15 October 2022.

“How sleep impacts productivity - News.” Philips, 3 June 2020, Accessed 15 October 2022.

“New Study Shows Correlation Between Employee Engagement And The Long-Lost Lunch Break.” Forbes, 19 February 2016, Accessed 16 October 2022.

Rothbard, Nancy P., et al. “How Your Morning Mood Affects Your Whole Workday.” Harvard Business Review, 21 July 2016, Accessed 16 October 2022.

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