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  • Kyleigh Ing

Copywriters: A Career Series

Kyleigh Ing | 14 December 2022

“Just Do It.” (Nike) “Feel the rainbow, taste the Rainbow.” (Skittles) “Eat fresh.” (Subway). The iconic slogans that businesses have built their brands on have been created by the creative skills of copywriters. As per the name suggests, copywriters create copies which is text that advertises or markets products or services. Copywriting has been around for centuries and has been adapted over the years. It appears everywhere in our daily lives. The “continue,” “read on,” and “more” buttons on websites are examples of copywriting. The rarity of experts in this profession results in high demand and high value. All businesses use copywriting for advertising and this industry will only continue to grow as businesses encounter an increasing amount of competition.

Copywriters are responsible for researching the product or service they are writing for. Depending on their objective, they must be very knowledgeable about the special features or benefits of what they are selling. From there, they write, edit and proofread their scripts and get it ready for publishing. Since a great portion of this industry is freelancing, copywriters may also be responsible for finding their own work and managing their tasks and projects. Due to the high demand and little experts in this industry, freelancers may even have to turn jobs down.

This high demand also results in higher salaries. A copywriter can make anywhere from $15 an hour to $60 an hour. The average copywriter makes around $26 an hour according to the US Bureau of Labour and Statistics. Copywriters may also be able to charge royalties meaning they would earn a commission based on how effective their work is at attracting clients towards the intended objective. In this industry, you could work for a specific company, as a freelancer or as part of an advertising agency.

There is no specific education required and most copywriters are even self-taught. They gain the necessary skills by taking online courses, reading materials and simply practising. A successful copywriter will be proficient in writing and have eloquent communication skills. Social communication skills are important as copywriting is collaborative between the creator and the client.

There are many different types of copywriting that one can choose to pursue. The objective of direct response copywriting is to get an immediate response from the reader whether it be purchasing, registering or signing up for something. Business to business copywriting has a purpose to sell to other businesses instead of consumers. This is common in the machine industry where the machines are not available for public purchase. Content marketing is another form of copywriting with a primary purpose of providing information rather than marketing. Creative copywriting is very popular among leading brands where writers will create short, catchy slogans to build a brand's profile. Social media copywriting is perhaps the largest growing form of copywriting. Many businesses are advertising on various forms of social media as it is widely used by the younger generation.

Becoming a copywriter is a simpler process than it may seem. However, it takes much practice to create effective texts because it must appeal to the target audience and accomplish the company’s objective. Copywriting is an ever adapting and growing industry where professionals are high in demand and hard to come by. This career offers flexibility in terms of hours and salaries and can be a part-time or full-time career choice. Copywriting is not a well known career path but can prove to be beneficial in the long run.

Works Cited

Guide, Step. “Types of Copywriting.” AWAI, Accessed 14 December 2022.

Wolfer, Sondra. “Career Explainer: What Does a Copywriter Do?” The Muse, 30 June 2021, Accessed 14 December 2022.

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